Last month I spoke with a client I worked with almost 4 years ago. Not only was she still regularly active but she had deepened her relationship with physical activity.

There’s a really big difference between regular physical activity and making it YOURS. Consider the difference between dating someone that’s kind of fun and someone with whom you really feel alive.  Sure, if you aren’t partnered for life, there’s room for both!  But, what’s important to recognize is that you get much more out of your relationship and time with the latter.

Similarly, when your physical movement reflects YOU and your preferences you will get much more out of it.

What did my client do? She decided to take things to a new level. She remembered loving bike riding while growing up and realized that there was no reason she couldn’t, and shouldn’t, start this Spring off by adding bike riding to her movement repertoire.

Yes, she had to get a bike.  That was part how she owned exercise. She selected one made for women like her and that fit HER lifestyle.  I can’t relay her excitement when she told me about her new Amsterdam bike, made by Electra.  She’s going to change up her exercise routine this summer by riding her bike to work sometimes. (She’s not making unrealistic declarations as many do with warmer weather (and more revealing clothing) approaching.

Wouldn’t you prefer that the precious time you invest in movement, multitask as a way to help enliven your whole life?   What’s stopping you?

FROM CHORE TO GIFT TIP: Because society has been so prescriptive about how individuals should change their behavior (e.g., exercise)  it has alienated them from the behaviors.  So, by helping individuals feel entitled to tailor behaviors to their unique preferences you can help them own the behavior and turn it into a life-enhancing gift.