Smart women don’t diet reflects a new mindset toward self-care, in general, and physical movement in particular.

This new mindset reflects a new type of smarts; one that uses one’s own inner wisdom as the most important guide for initiating a lifestyle change such as physical activity (or dietary changes) and the specific strategy for moving forward.

Smart women know that making changes out of the same ‘ole “diet” mentality only leads to short-term results and eventual failure.

Smart women have the courage to reflect on their past experiences and gather strength to forge a new path when those experiences haven’t resulted in their desired outcomes.

They have learned that initiating lifestyle changes and even trying to lose weight out of a negative self-deprecating stance does not yield positive nor long-term results.

The SMART women mindset I’m proposing starts with an “S” and embeds behavior with a new core goal: to replace self-rejection with Self-care.