More Fat Stigma Is a Real Problem

There is a great post by Tara Parker-Pope about a new study showing that, around the world, fat stigma is increasing. With the increasing focus on obesity this finding isn’t very surprising. But it is disturbing. Unfortunately, we know that initiating behavior...

Crossing the Chasm: From Important to Compelling

Here’s the deal: to make changes that last you have to find the benefits you receive from doing your desired behavior compelling. There’s a huge chasm between what we believe is important and what is truly compelling enough to fit into our daily lives. We easily...

Mindfulness: A powerful technology for well-being

Most of us have heard about ‘mindfulness’ and know that it is supposed to be really good for us. In fact, research keeps coming out supporting the idea that mindfulness improves outcomes in many areas of our lives, including our health. But what does that...

Make Exercise Your Own!

Last month I spoke with a client I worked with almost 4 years ago. Not only was she still regularly active but she had deepened her relationship with physical activity. There’s a really big difference between regular physical activity and making it YOURS....