The Many Flavors of Motivation – What's Yours?

We are used to thinking about motivation as something we need to “jump start,” like an engine on a cold day. But I want to give you a different metaphor for thinking about motivation: as a flavorant that influences how exercise “tastes” to you. The Wikipedia...

Better Messages to Help You Make Lasting Changes

In today’s New York Times, there was an article about Self Magazine  transforming itself to better compete in the crowded women’s health and fitness magazine marketplace. One change of note is the name of their column about eating;  it will change  from “Eat Right” to...

From Punishment to Privilege

Last week, a new client, Jackie, told me how much she resented her personal trainer for pushing her so hard. She didn’t like it! She told me he tortured her. It felt like punishment. I suggested that she hired him to torture her. Instead of blaming him, I asked her to...

Oprah Is Right: Geenen Roth is a True Master

Geneen Roth is the fortunate writer to most recently the best possible endorsement for a book: Oprah proclaimed that “every woman needs to read Women, Food and God”. Of course, I was curious to discover why Roth deserved such a lofty recommendation. After reviewing...