Michelle's Blogg'n for More Magazine

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be blogging weekly for More’s online magazine and community. I will be blogging more frequently on More.com than here and writing much shorter posts. If you’d like to hear motivational and wise words related to moving your body and...

Sustainable Exercise Motivation!? Get the Scoop

In case you need a boost to uplift your spirits as Winter winds down, a short interview with me was just posted on womensradio.com that should do the trick. The link is below. http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=PAaal&m=1cW_Pzwn4dq_V9&b=QPKORIDNy6G9Siq24KQIZQ I...

Fitness Ads Rip Off Consumers

As we enter February, a month after our New Year’s Resolutions, a study came out to remind us that most exercise equipment ads are fiction and there are no quick fixes for changing our bodies drastically. Instead of re-summarizing the study in this eNewsletter,...

Make Smart Resolutions for 2009!

Before we know it New Years will be here, along with the annual ritual of making New Year’s resolutions.  But how quickly these seeming commitments fade away! If you want to think about the long-term sustainability of your resolutions this New Years, keep reading. If...