Ditch Habits if You Want to Create Lasting Changes in Exercise and Eating
I’ll get right to the point: If we want to create sustainable change in our (and our patients’, clients’, employees’) healthy eating, exercise, and self-care choices (and why wouldn’t we?), we need to move beyond fads, conventional thinking, and pop culture and take a...
Reset your mindset for Sustainable Results
Happy New Year!If you’re like most people, resolutions are on your mind, and maybe you’ve already made one. Can I ask you to just hold that thought for a moment? I have a few things to say on the subject that might just change your thinking.A few years ago, toward the...
Behavior Change Advice that Is Right For You
I’ve been doing a lot of podcast interviews recently. A question I’ve been getting a lot more frequently than I could have imagined goes something like this: “Michelle, motivation is overrated, isn’t it?” As someone who has seen the concrete value of motivation,...
Trick or Treat? Unwrapping the Rebellion in Our Candy on Halloween
I got an interesting email last week related to Halloween. It went something like this: “Michelle, my husband, and I have both read The Joy Choice. He has always struggled with sweets (you know the old story). But we have two kids, and we always buy our...
MAPS to No Sweat.
It's been interesting to me the extent to which The Joy Choice has brought new interest to my first, award-winning book about how to convert exercise from feeling like a chore to feeling like a gift, and in the process, cultivating high-quality, stable motivation for...