Relaxing into Neutral
I don’t have to tell you that 2020 has been a year of extremes in every level of our lives. As we contemplate the prospect of returning to a new normal in the new year, I’d like to suggest something we can benefit from while we wait: relaxing into neutral.
“Neutral” is a term you may have heard while practicing forms of self-care. In Pilates® for example, trainers speak of returning to a neutral spine, allowing the natural gentle curves to support us rather than trying to force ourselves into a rigid posture. In meditation, the goal is to rest in a neutral awareness, letting our thoughts come ago as a way to be mindful, integrated, and centered. A neutral stance naturally allows us strengthen not only our physical core but our emotional one too, permitting us to be flexible and grounded as we face stressors large and small.
But you don’t need to take a Pilates® class to help yourself (or help others) get into neutral! Some things I do to bring myself into neutral include:
- Walking outside in nature.
- Giving myself permission to leave the work/home/life chaos for a few moments by calling a friend, listening to music I love, or simply sitting with my hand over my heart as I give myself self-compassion.
- Listening to an inspiring podcast. (I listen to On Being by Krista Tippet.)
- Taking a few moments to mentally note the people and things I am grateful for right now.
What I’m Grateful for Right Now
As 2020 comes to a close, I share my appreciation for these gifts of my personal and professional lives:
- Good health among family and friends.
- Reconnecting with people from other times in my life.
- Moving back into our home after being out for nine months.
- Having the honor of co-writing a commentary with esteemed colleagues Tony Okely, Marta Marques, and Antonio Palmeira that accompanied the recent release of the World Health Organization’s 2020 Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour.
- Contributing to the telemedicine industry’s understanding about how to create sustainable healthy behaviors through a keynote at the American Telehealth Association’s annual conference.
- Having the privilege of doing work every day that that aims to be of service to others and also deeply energizes me.
I encourage you to use this unusual holiday season as an opportunity to tap into your inner flexibility and resilience in small ways. Whether you’re enjoying this time or facing challenges around eating, parenting, caregiving, work, or all of them at once, you can give yourself the gift of returning to neutral and cultivate the strength and balance that will carry you into the new year.
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Copyright © Segar, Michelle.