Cinderella: Modern Lessons for Women in Midlife

Many of us treat our bodies similar to how Cinderella was treated by her stepmother. We consider our bodies to be our nemesis.  We ignore them –we do anything to avoid acknowledging them. Wikipedia says “The word “cinderella” has, by analogy, come to mean one whose...

Life Lessons at 45

Today I turn 45. I thought this would be a great time to reflect on a few things I’ve learned…. The moment you choose self-acceptance and self-love is the beginning of true self-care. The saying “Don’t sweat the small stuff” is easy advice to hear but harder to...

Living Well Inside the Tornado

Our modern lives are so completely crazy busy. We run from task to task, place to place, and meal to meal.  Our lives are virtual tornadoes. There’s always the option to simply and consciously decide to step out of this manic living. But, that’s really hard to do...