News: Thanks to you, my book launch was a huge success!
No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness not only was featured in places like The New York Times, Forbes, and by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, in July it was the #1 Best Seller in Exercise and Fitness on Amazon in both the USA and Canada! Since the launch, I’ve also have the privilege of advising global health care and wellness organizations and delivering keynotes at national conferences.
I want to thank you for all of your support during this meaningful and exciting time. No Sweat would never be having such an impact without you and your enthusiastic support via social media and your other networks.
I also want to welcome those of you who just joined my community during the last couple of months. I am looking forward to providing new insights that help you stay motivated, feel happy, succeed at what matters most.
Before jumping into sharing what I believe is the single most important strategy for staying active this fall, people have told me that they are giving No Sweat as a holiday gift to friends and family. If there is anyone in your life who you think would enjoy and benefit from reading it you can buy it online at Amazon, Barnes & Nobee, Indie Bound or in local stores.
Also, because of the key science described in No Sweat, it is being adopted as a required text in university and professional education courses. I developed a free Teaching and Discussion Guide to make using No Sweat in courses, well, no sweat! If you are or want to use No Sweat in a course you teach or your book club please email me for the guide.
I’d love to hear your thoughts about No Sweat if you want to share them with me. Or, if you haven’t yet read No Sweat, but want to receive the free chapter about “Escaping The Vicious Cycle of Failure” please email me at Michelle [at]
I’ve been invited to blog for the Huffington Post and U.S. News & World Report, and will be tweeting about them when they are posted. If you’d like to get more regular updates than this once-in-a-while newsletter on new research, strategies, and motivational insights please follow me on Twitter @MichelleSegar.
To learn what I believe is the #1 strategy is to stay active this fall read my most recent Huffington blog post. I encourage you to leave a comment and forward to anyone you know who struggles with staying active beyond summer.
Feel free to share this post with others who share your interest in the science-based how-to’s of creating lasting changes that can survive in the real world.
Copyright © Segar, Michelle.