I hope you are not only surviving but thriving as this holiday season comes to a close. As 2015 ends, I wanted to reach out and express my gratitude for all of the incredible support I received to help get No Sweat out into the world. No Sweat reflects 21 years of my passionate purpose, research, coaching, and yes, sweat. It is deeply meaningful to me when I hear that the ideas it embodies are not only moving individuals but transforming how health care services and wellness programs are being delivered in our country.
No Sweat Chosen #1 Diet/Exercise Book in 2015! Not only did No Sweat sell well beyond my (and my publisher’s) expectations, it was recently chosen as the #1 Diet/Exercise book in 2015 by USA Best Book Awards! I have consulted with and spoken for leading health care and wellness organizations during the past year, and was especially pleased to hear great feedback from the professors who started using No Sweat in their courses. And, of course, I am gratified by the warm response I continue to get from readers, and I enjoy responding to everyone.
Discover the Secret to “Sticky” Resolutions in 2016
With the New Year approaching, I couldn’t help thinking about the statistics showing that most people who make health and wellness resolutions make the exact same resolutions every year–despite the fact that it hasn’t worked before!—and drop out within just a few weeks. No Sweat (and my entire career!) is based on helping people escape this vicious cycle of failure. So I thought hard about how I could help jump-start people into putting a new, more successful frame around their resolutions for 2016, whether they’ve read No Sweat or not.
The result is the free No Sweat Resolutions Quiz. The questions are easy and only take a couple of minutes to answer. You immediately receive a detailed personal report about the “sticky-ness” of your resolutions (their likelihood of lasting) in three key areas and how to make them stronger.
If you know anyone who struggles to make lasting New Year’s resolutions, I hope you will tell them about this free resource.
Join Me for This Live-Streamed Public Event at the Center for Positive Organizations: Tuesday, January 12, 4-5pm EST
I’m beyond honored to be presenting at the Center for Positive Organization’s (CPO) Positive Links Speaker Series. The CPO is an internationally renowned center in the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. My presentation is called “No Sweat: Leveraging Science to Concurrently Foster Employee Health and Well-being and Organizational Thriving.” This is an important topic whether your run a business or work in one, and I welcome you to attend, physically or virtually. Register at no charge here to attend in person, or watch it live streamed here.
Feel free to share this post with others who share your interest in the science-based how-to’s of creating lasting changes that can survive in the real world.
Copyright © Segar, Michelle.