I’m trying to put myself in a woman’s shoes in Colorado. I’m 48 year old. have two kids and work full time. I’m overweight and have tried losing weight numerous times but always gains it back.

I see an advertisement for LiveWell Colorado and go to the website. I check my BMI and discover that I’m worse off than I expected. I’m actually “obese” and heading down the rocky road to ill health. Then I watch a video of other people who are in the same boat and have decided to make lifestyle changes.

Is this experience more likely to:

1. Instill sufficient fear of future illness to develop the necessary resolve to “finally do it this time?”


2. Overwhelm me, promote bad feelings about myself, and wonder if my chances of success just decreased because I’m worse off than I understood?

What do you think? Am I being too pessimistic about how this campaign will impact individuals?  Here’s an example of a woman living in a community-focused initiative that suggests I might be wrong about Colorado…

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