by jayme | Jun 14, 2011 | Population Level Physical Activity Participation, Social Marketing, Stigma, Weight Loss, wellness and prevention
I’m trying to put myself in a woman’s shoes in Colorado. I’m 48 year old. have two kids and work full time. I’m overweight and have tried losing weight numerous times but always gains it back. I see an advertisement for LiveWell Colorado and go to the website. I check...
by jayme | May 26, 2011 | behavioral branding, media, Obesity, Oprah, Social Marketing, Stigma
The first of its kind, an exciting statewide effort is underway in Colorado to use advertisements and community engagement to destigmatize obesity, with the ultimate aim of helping resident make healthier choices. I’m all for destigmatizing obesity. Feeling...
by jayme | Mar 31, 2011 | media, Social Marketing, Stigma, Weight Loss
There is a great post by Tara Parker-Pope about a new study showing that, around the world, fat stigma is increasing. With the increasing focus on obesity this finding isn’t very surprising. But it is disturbing. Unfortunately, we know that initiating behavior...
by jayme | Mar 11, 2011 | behavioral branding, Motivation Architecture, Population Level Physical Activity Participation, Providers, Social Marketing
I’ve become a rabble-rouser and activist on this really important point: Society’s promotion and branding of health behaviors completely is inherently flawed and undermines the foundation for LASTING behavioral changes. Our health promotion paradigm comes...
by jayme | Mar 3, 2011 | Exercise anti-aging, Exercise promotes youth, Population Level Physical Activity Participation, Social Marketing
Tara’s posts are great. They feature the benefits of exercise from many different angles! Here’s another example of research that showcases the incredible benefits of exercise. To me, an exercise motivation researcher and probably to the others who read...
by jayme | Jan 10, 2011 | behavioral branding, Exercise Intensity, media, Motivation, Motivation Architecture, Social Marketing
I enjoyed reading a recent interview of our U.S. Surgeon General, Regina Benjamin, in the New York Times. Some officials did not support her nomination for this key role because of her weight. They felt she would “perpetuate” obesity instead of battling...