by jayme | Jul 3, 2012 | General, healthy living, Men, Motivation, obese, overweight, Self-determination theory, Weight Loss, Women's Health, Women's Motivation
We live in a culture that bombards us about the importance of being healthy and controlling our weight, but do these messages actually motivate us to be healthier and lose weight? My colleagues and I recently studied this question as it relates to exercise. The...
by jayme | Jun 14, 2011 | Population Level Physical Activity Participation, Social Marketing, Stigma, Weight Loss, wellness and prevention
I’m trying to put myself in a woman’s shoes in Colorado. I’m 48 year old. have two kids and work full time. I’m overweight and have tried losing weight numerous times but always gains it back. I see an advertisement for LiveWell Colorado and go to the website. I check...
by jayme | Mar 31, 2011 | media, Social Marketing, Stigma, Weight Loss
There is a great post by Tara Parker-Pope about a new study showing that, around the world, fat stigma is increasing. With the increasing focus on obesity this finding isn’t very surprising. But it is disturbing. Unfortunately, we know that initiating behavior...
by jayme | Mar 24, 2011 | Chaos, Compassion, Individuals, Research, Weight Loss, Women's Self-Care
Virgina Sole-Smith wrote another great post on her blog, neversaydiet, about new research supporting the notion that having negative feelings about your body and trying to “escape” it through dieting and restriction often leads to the ironic opposite...
by jayme | Mar 31, 2009 | Eating, Weight Loss, Women's Motivation
I invited Maryann Tomovich Jacobsen, MS, RD, to write a follow up to my October blog post, “Why demonizing food often defeats us.” My former post explained the psychological reasons why avoiding “bad” foods and using “shoulds” for eating often backfires. If you missed...
by jayme | Jan 6, 2009 | Motivation, Strategies, Weight Loss
Many people purchase home exercise equipment (cheap and expensive) and it winds up dusty and unused. Some people feel that this unused equipment becomes a monument to their failure! Wrong! Let’s explore some factors that can make using home exercise equipment...